
The result should be similar to this:


Step 22

Grab the Brush Tool (B), reset your brush settings, and make your brush rounded. Set the Hardness to 0%, Opacity to 100% and Flow to 5%. Pick color #f8ff7c, create a new layer above those triangles, name it “light1.” Change this layer’s Blending Mode to Overlay. Now start with a small brush, then add bigger and bigger dots in this place. Switch to white color and repeat the same process, but on a new layer (with Overlay Blending Mode).

You can apply those triangles and lights to every spot of this design, it’s adds a nice touch of abstraction.


Final Results


Download the PSD

[vc_column width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [vc_cta_button title=”Download” href=”” color=”btn” size=”btn-large” icon=”none” target=”_self” position=”cta_align_right” call_text=”Planet | 9.44 MB” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [/vc_column]

Tutorial by Vik Aadi (Vikas Singh Adhikari)

profileThank you for reading this tutorial, I hope that you enjoyed it. If you want to view my other arts and tutorials you can follow me on Facebook or look at my Deviantart page .

– Vik Aadi (Vikas Singh Adhikari)

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3 responses to “Create a Dynamic Night Club Poster in Photoshop”

  1. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    wow.. Fantastic steps.. I really like it. keep up :-)

  2. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Wonderful tutorial..Thanks for sharing

  3. वीक आदि Avatar
    वीक आदि

    Thank you for the feature :)

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