Step 10

Great Work! Your composition is complete! This final part is optional but could be informative for anyone whos interested in learning about color work and Gradiant Maps to give your work some interesting colors. To explain Gradiant Maps are like a Black and White filter but insead of Black and White you can control the colors involved. Go ahead and play around with it! Gradiant Maps can be a great tool for adding some great and vibrant colors to your picture as a whole, as well as giving it a overall more cohesive look, which is very important in works like photomanipulations, not as important in something like this but still can add to the feel of it! I also added a levels layer for some added contrast. Below are the settings for my adjustment layers, with my gradiant maps I usually reduce the opacity down to below 10% to add subtle changes. I would encourage you to play around with these to get a hang of how they work and how to use them!

Final Results


Tutorial by Jacob Pryor


Thank you for reading my very first tutorial! Let me know how I did in the comments below and feel free to check out my personal work on my behance page! Hopefully I covered some of the basic aspects of photoshop here so you can feel comfortable venturing out on your own! – Jacob Pryor

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12 responses to “Create a Textured Bird with Smoke in Photoshop”

  1.  Avatar

    The pictures are missing

    I really want to try this

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      Fixed thanks for letting us know!

  2. Tutorial Desain Grafis Avatar
    Tutorial Desain Grafis

    awesome.. easy learning for beginer level like me, thanks

  3. Chinaman Avatar

    It‘s cool!

  4. Irina Avatar

    beautiful work , but the author did not want to explain how to do it sensibly . he just wanted to show off his beautiful work

  5. Magdalena Avatar

    Estupendo trabajo. Muchas gracias

  6. Jacob Avatar

    Thanks everyone! Another coming soon!

  7. Sualeh Umer Avatar
    Sualeh Umer

    Amazing work, simple and elegant

  8. Marwa Naguib Avatar
    Marwa Naguib

    Aya Ahmed Mahmood

  9. Scott Citron Avatar
    Scott Citron

    Great tut! Keep ’em coming, Jacob.

    1. Vikas Avatar

      yes its really nice work

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