I did not like the location of the paws of a little bear and I closed it by using Clone Stamp Tool (S). Create a new layer, set for Clone Stamp Tool (S) following settings – Size: 300px, Opacity: 100%, Semple: All Layers, checkbox on “Aligned”. Hide group “Bears” (click on the eye icon next to the layer) and find interesting piece of stone, suitable for the terrain and draw it to a place where to be paw. Use Eraser Tool (E) make invisible transition of texture (using Opacity values 30-60%) and of course the return bears back. That’s it! At this stage, everything is done and we can move on.


Step 15

Before start creating a starry sky, I make non – destructive layer to create light and shadows. Hold Opt/Alt and click on “New layer” icon, set checkbox on “Fill with Overlay-neutral color (50% gray)” and Blending Mode “Overlay”. This layer can be above all others layers and groups. You will not see the changes, because Blending Mode is “Overlay”, but in fact this layer fill of gray color. Now, use Dodge Tool (O) (creates light) and hold Opt/Alt to switch to Burn Tool (O) (creates shadows) with the settings for both tools – Range: Midtones, Exposure: 10 – 20%. Create a shadow of the bear and put the light on them, taking into account that the light source is located at the top right. Also check out the image below to see the lighting.


Step 16

And now we begin to create a starry sky. Place “Star sky” texture into working document (File > Place (Place Embedded))) and move it slightly upwards. Set Blending Mode to “Screen”. Use Quick Selection Tool (W) to select everything except the sky and add a layer mask to remove the star from landscape.


Add image of full moon. Resize, rotate and move it (Cmd/Ctrl + T) as shown in image below. Set for this layer Blending Mode “Screen”. With soft round brush (Size: 600px, Opacity: 50%, Color: #e8e8e8) on a new layer (under moon layer), draw a spot to create a shine from the moon. Layer Opacity around 68%.


Step 17

So, let’s go back to the Adjustment layers over the group “Landscape”. This step is similar to Step 12. Create a new layer (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + N) above gradient layer with Blending Mode “Soft Light” and Opacity: 53%. Take a Gradient Tool (G), make gradient on this scheme: #ffffff > #647c8b > #42506d > # 333a57 > #1a1824. Form of gradient – Radial. Draw a gradient beginning from the moon and ending around outside borders of the document. This layer I created the lighting from the light source and force night colors.

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3 responses to “Create a Magical Starry Night of Polar Bears in Photoshop”

  1. Dave Avatar

    Just a pity the PSD is not there it would have been nice to see your flow

  2.  Avatar

    The best as usual.

  3. irina Avatar

    Very beautiful and difficalt lesson. Thanks.

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