Add new adjustment layer Gradient Map on the top of all layers and set the gradient as shown on the picture below.


Now let’s make the picture bit darker. To do that add new adjustment layer Levels on the top of all layers and set the Input Levels on 0; 0,75; 255.


You get the result similar to the picture below after this step.


Step 26 – Adding Vignette

I really like using gentle vignette because it helps to keep viewer’s attention longer in the picture.

To add vignette create a new layer on the top of all layers and name it VIGNETTE. Grab the Gradient Tool (G) and fill the layer with solid white color.

Now go to Filter > Lens Correction… (the path may vary in different versions of Photoshop, if you can’t find it simply press Shifht + Ctrl + R on your keyboard) and set the window as on the following picture.


To blend VIGNETTE properly with the rest of the image change its Blending Mode on Multiply.

Final Results


Download the PSD

Against the | 5 MB

Authors Comment

profileThank you very much for reading the tutorial. I really hope that you’ve learnt something new or found inspiration for your next work. I’d love to see your results in comments under the article. If you want to read more Photoshop tips written by me you can visit my blog at Pelleron-Art. Have a great day!
– Jarka

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10 responses to “Create a Mysterious Fashion Photo Manipulation in Photoshop”

  1. Nilton Avatar

    Thanks for stopping by!I use Lightroom and Photoshop for my pp’ing. I’m rlleay just learning still have found some actions that I like that I have actually rlleay learned a lot from using.

  2. Deepak Avatar

    struck in first step…plz tell me how u remove cloth and retain the straw..plz mail me the solution so that i can go for second step

  3. An3 Avatar

    And here’s mine:
    I used a different mountain – the original is missing.

    1. Buffie Avatar

      Alirght alright alright that’s exactly what I needed!

  4. Magda Avatar

    Great tutorial, thanks.
    And this is my result:
    I have made snow instead of rain ; )

  5. Niroshan Ishanka Avatar
    Niroshan Ishanka

    This is really amazing.. its great. but given model image resoulution is not enough for this type of design. Thanks..

    1. Maya Avatar

      Those were very educational Terence! It was like you took us into atenhor world that we would never see & into the eyes of those that work up in the sky. The shot behind the crane operator was awesome and I loved the candid shots that you took. Amazing work my friend! Must have been quite the experience.

  6. alec Avatar

    amazing. thks!

  7. chenyark Avatar

    Thank you very much,I love you !

  8. Nayeem Avatar

    i liked it very much…thnk u

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