After this step your picture should be similar to the one below.

Step 10 – Adding the City
Download the photo of the city and drag it into the manipulation. Press Ctrl + T and resize it on proper size. Move it on the same place as you can see on preview picture. Place the layer on the top of all layers and name it CITY.
Add layer mask to the CITY. Grab the Brush Tool (B), pick black color and set the opacity on 100%. Paint over the sky because you want to hide it. You should get something like on the picture below.

To blend it even better change the Blending Mode of CITY on Soft Light. It makes the buildings lighter and creates the impression that they’re in the distance hidden in fog.

Step 11 – Adjusting the City
The city should be little bit lighter and less saturated. You’ll fix it in this step.
Add new adjustment layer Levels and set the Input Levels on 0; 1,10; 255. Don’t forget to create clipping mask from it.

To lower the saturation add new adjustment layer Hue/Saturation and set the value Saturation on -70.

After this step the city should look like below.

Step 12 – Adding the Glow
The picture is set up in the time of dawn or twilight. It means that lights in the buildings should be on and that there should be some aura arround the city. You’ll add both in this step.
Let’s begin with lights. Add new layer on the top of all layers and name it e.g. LIGHTS. Grab the Brush Tool, set the Master Diameter on 1 pixel and set the Opacity on 80%. Paint small windowses in the buildings. Below you can see what I mean.

Now let’s add glow around the city. Add new layer on the top of all layers and name it GLOW.
Grab the Brush Tool (B), set the Master Diameter on 300 pixels and lower the Opacity on 25%. Pick white color and paint one big dot over the city.
Add layer mask to the GLOW and hide the bottom part of the glow. You don’t want to have the lighting on the ground because it won’t look realistic.

After this step your work should be similar to the one below.

Step 13 – Adding the Bush
The bottom right corner is empty which looks unbalanced. You’ll fill it with some bush in this step to make it better looking.
10 responses to “Create a Mysterious Fashion Photo Manipulation in Photoshop”
Thanks for stopping by!I use Lightroom and Photoshop for my pp’ing. I’m rlleay just learning still have found some actions that I like that I have actually rlleay learned a lot from using.
struck in first step…plz tell me how u remove cloth and retain the straw..plz mail me the solution so that i can go for second step
And here’s mine:
I used a different mountain – the original is missing.-
Alirght alright alright that’s exactly what I needed!
Great tutorial, thanks.
And this is my result:
I have made snow instead of rain ; ) -
This is really amazing.. its great. but given model image resoulution is not enough for this type of design. Thanks..
Those were very educational Terence! It was like you took us into atenhor world that we would never see & into the eyes of those that work up in the sky. The shot behind the crane operator was awesome and I loved the candid shots that you took. Amazing work my friend! Must have been quite the experience.
amazing. thks!
Thank you very much,I love you !
i liked it very much…thnk u
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