
Once that load brushes menu opens, locate the “Digea Rain brushes” and then click OK. Check your brush tool now. The rain brush that we’re going to use is the one with the size of 1000px. See image below:


Once your brush has that ready, let us change the color of our brush. We would need a white colored brush for this. To change the brush’s color, follow the instructions on the image below:


On the # box, input the following: ffffff


Next, change the brush settings to the following:

  • Brush size: 2500 pixels
  • Hardness: Default hardness of the rain brush
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Flow: 100%

Now we’re all set to brush, apply the brush as seen on the image below:


Activate the Eraser tool (E) because we would need to erase the unwanted edges of the rain brush as shown on the image below:


Use the following settings for the Eraser tool (E).

  • Brush size: 100px
  • Hardness: 0%
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Flow: 100%

After that, let’s now resize this layer to fit our canvas. Activate the Transform tool and resize as shown on the image below:


Now, duplicate layer “1″ by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + J to make the rain more visible. Select this layer again and duplicate it and then move it down using the Move tool (V). After that activate the Transform tool and resize the duplicated layer it to fit the canvas. It should be looking like this now:


Step 7 – Retouch the image

Now it is time, we enhanced the color of our image. We’re going to give it a dark fantasy artwork finish. Let’s start by adding Solid Colors. To do that, click on the Create New Fill Layer/Adjustment Layerbuttonfrom the Layer window. When the contextual menu opens, click on Solid Color.


When the box opens, input the following:

  • #: 00002d

Next, change the Blending mode to Exclusion and the Opacity to 50%. Next, let’s create the second Solid Color. Input the following:

  • #: 52341a

Then change the Blending mode to Soft Light and its Opacity to 40%. Next, let’s create a Color Balance adjustment layer.


Input the following values:

  • Color Levels: -41, 0 , -28
  • Tone Balance: Midtones
  • Preserve Luminosity: Check
  • Color Levels: +15, 0, 0
  • Tone Balance: Shadows
  • Preserve Luminosity: Check
  • Color Levels: 0, 0, -10
  • Tone Balance: Highlights
  • Preserve Luminosity: Check

The image should now be similar to this:


Because the color is too strong, we would need to reduce its saturation. Instead of making a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, we will be using a Gradient Map adjustment layer.


When the Gradient Map menu opens, pick the following:

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2 responses to “How to Create a Stormy Fantasy Scene in Photoshop”

  1.  Avatar


  2. naheel Avatar

    creative work i like it v mush

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