
Step 21

Create new layer above, change it’s Blending Mode to Multiply and repeat step 20. Paint over the same spots and make the blending/shading even stronger.


Step 22

Again go above all the layers in Layer Palette and create new adjustment layer – Gradient Map, on the very top. Choose one of the original presets – Violet, Orange and lower its Opacity to around 35%.


Step 23

Next, create another Gradient Map above, change the gradient as shown below and this time set its Blending Mode to Soft Light and lower its Opacity to around 40-50%.


Step 24

Now, switch back to the previous brush settings from step 11. Grab Brush Tool(B). Pick white color. Then create new layer above all layers, change it’s Blending Mode to Soft Light and softly enhance her body and clothing as shown below (green light indicates where to paint). This should help her stand out more from the dark environment.


Step 25

Open the image of red chiffon and place it above all layers. By the way you can rotate it (Ctrl+T) to create a good flow position.


Step 26

Next, change its Blending Mode to Hard Light.


Step 27

Hit Ctrl+U (Hue/Saturation) and apply following settings to this chiffon layer.


Step 28

Now as you can see it look almost transparent, so add a Layer Mask to the chiffon layer grab Brush Tool (B), pick black color and erase all the visible black image edges, as well as some of the chiffon.


Step 29

Repeat previous step as many times as you need and create a nice connected “smoke” effect, by mixing those chiffons.


Step 30

Next, open one of the fire images. Grab Lasso Tool (L) and create a rough selection as you see below. Hit Ctrl+C to copy.


Step 31

Paste it above the chiffon layers and change its Blending Mode to Screen.


Step 32

Create a Layer Mask and paint on it with hard black brush to get rid of the visible edges.

Hint: never use a very soft brush while erasing fire, it will lose the sparkle.


Step 33

Use as much fire stocks as you want, the better variation, the better result. Make some erasing in each one and try to achieve a certain shape. The best way is just to follow the smoke.


Step 34

So this is how it looks after proper erasing, it’s kind of time-consuming process, but if you do this patiently, you will achieve great results. When you’re done, select all those fire layers (simply hold Ctrl and click on their names in Layers Palette, one by one until you select them all). Merge them using Ctrl+E and change the Blending Mode again to Screen.

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12 responses to “Create this Amazing Fashion Photo Manipulation with Abstract Smoke and Light Effects”

  1. Heather Avatar

    Can’t download the “PSD Light | 22.16 MB (Download from Website)” as it just says “404 Page not found”


  2. Rex Avatar

    why is no complete?

  3. Ceylia Avatar

    Bonjour W.P.
    C’est vraiment très joli et je vous félicite !
    J’essaye de traduire et je le fais, encore merci et si je me trompe, je peux regarder votre .psd, c’est gentil à vous !

  4. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    A very smart approach to explain the things,like your step by step tutorial.

  5. Model Avatar

    Step 7

    Select the “model” layer and hit Ctrl+Alt+R (Refine Edge).

    Output will create another layer with the settings below applied, so you can just basically delete or just turn off the previous layer. It’s up to you.

    Step 9

    Grab Brush Tool (B), set it all the way to 100%, but decrease the Spacing to 1% and check the Smoothing option. Again use black color for painting and go to Layer Mask of the “model” layer. Model layer???????????????????????????

    In Step 7 you say delete previous layer (layer “model”) because we have another layer (“model copy”).

    Step 10

    You should achieve similar results to mine if you painted accurately. Now pay attention to the red line surrounding the model. It’s indicating how we’re going to shade her to make her body and clothes blend with the background better. So go to Layers Palette, create new layer above “model” and hit Ctrl+Alt+G, this will create a Clipping Mask (and it should look like you see in the preview below). Above “model” layer? Again???????????

    Dude, WTF?????????

  6. Johnnywu Avatar

    Great tutorial, i agree with everything that Rickard wrote.
    Keep up the good work :)

  7. Zeus Drukwerk en designs Avatar
    Zeus Drukwerk en designs

    This really is a awesome tutorial, im gonna follow it step by step this afternoon. Looking forward to see similair results

  8. Rickard Avatar

    Wojciech Pijecki (your name, yes?)

    Thank you so much, a truly great work, and in my opinion just enough info to be able to do it yourself if you wanted to. I especially liked the chiffon-“trick” and the attention to detail in the little “planets” at the end.

    Now for agnes b and photogabe above:

    I really can’t believe how inpolite you are being. From what I can see he only skips the most basic stuff. If you look at the first image (end result) you should be able to see that this tutorial will require some beforehand knowledge. To be fair, you are both somewhat constructive in your critisism, but there is really no excuse for that tone of voice.

  9. photogabe Avatar

    stupid tutorial didnt show us how to do the smoke.

    1. Hassan Khalil Avatar
      Hassan Khalil

      yes… it did… there is a next page button which i think you didn’t see lol

  10. agnes b Avatar
    agnes b

    uaua auauauauauusdhat ushdhauusgdhahdgiasdga gidai dgaid is like that the instruction.. your mind and our mind are different, you should be more thourough and use more commond words than intelectual ones, basic stuff in public communication are crutial.. like kindergarden languages… is better to detailed that too confusing..

  11. charlie Avatar

    totally awesome

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