• Brush size – 100 px
  • Opacity – 60%
  • Flow – 100%

Finally, let’s enhance its brightness and contrast. Use the following values:

  • Brightness – 15
  • Contrast – 7

Now after we’ve added the fishes, let’s group them and rename that group to fishes.

Step 5 – Add the splashes

In this Step, we would be adding the splashes created by the fish that jumped out of the water. For that to be possible, we would need the help of the Photoshop brushes.

After downloading the brushes, transfer them onto this directory – Adobe > Adobe Photoshop CS 2 or 3 or 4 > Presets > Brushes. Once you’re done with that, activate the Brush tool (B) and then right click on the image to bring up the contextual menu. Once open, click on the drop-down menu.


Once the menu opens click on Replace brushes… and then click on the new downloaded brush Water brushes sampler from the Brushes directory of Photoshop. Once it opens, click on the brush shown on the image below:


Now we will be applying the brush on our canvas, so let’s create a new layer. To do that, press Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N and then a box would appear which is titled “New Layer”, rename that layer to splash 1.

Next, we would need to change the color of our brush. Let’s go to the Color Picker box and change its color.


Next, input the following values for the brush:

  • Brush size – 700 px
  • Hardness – Default hardness of the selected brush
  • Opacity – 100%
  • Flow – 100%

Before applying the brush you have to make sure that layer splash 1 is selected.


Obviously, the water splash that we created looks unreal so we would need to erase some parts and resize it a bit.


Let’s create a new layer once again, but this time, rename it to splash 2. Still with the same set of brushes, let’s use the brush highlighted on the image below:


We would need to change the color of this brush so activate the Color Picker and use this color value:

  • # – 56959b

Once you’ve done that, change the brush settings to the following:

  • Brush size – 200 px
  • Hardness – Default hardness of the selected brush
  • Opacity – 100%
  • Flow – 100%

Still on the same layer, let’s add another brush stroke but let’s use different brush values:

  • Brush size – 400 px
  • Hardness – Default hardness of the selected brush
  • Opacity – 100%
  • Flow – 100%

Let’s move on to the creation of our next splash. Create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and name that layer – splash 3. Activate the Color Picker and input the following value:

  • # – baf1e8

Now, activate the Brush tool (B) and use the brush that we used on splash 1. Once the brush is active, use the following brush values:

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

One response to “How to Make a Fish Jump Out of Water”

  1. OttoG. Avatar

    Great Tutorial thx :D

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