- Brush size – 900 px
- Hardness – Default hardness of the selected brush
- Opacity – 100%
- Flow – 100%

Activate the Eraser tool (E) for we would need to erase the unwanted parts of the brush that we applied. Use the following settings for the Eraser tool (E).
- Brush size – 175 px
- Hardness – 0%
- Opacity – 50%
- Flow – 100%

Let’s create a new layer again, and then rename it splash 4. Activate the Brush tool (B) and then use the following brush which is still from the brush set – Water brushes sampler:

Now let’s change the brush’s color, click on the Foreground Color to bring up the Color Picker box and input the following:
- # – a3bfc4
Then change the following settings to:
- Brush size – 1000 px
- Hardness – Default hardness of the selected brush
- Opacity – 100%
- Flow – 100%

Activate the Eraser tool (E) and use the following values:
- Brush size – 125 px
- Hardness – 0%
- Opacity – 100%
- Flow – 100%

After erasing that, reduce the Opacity of that layer to 60%. Now we will be creating another layer for our next splash. Create a new layer and name it Splash 5. For our brush, let’s use the same brush that we used in Splash 4. We would need to use a different color tone though; open the Color Picker and apply the following:
- # – ade7e4
With that color in our brush, activate the Brush tool again and apply the brush like it was done on the image below:

Now, we would need to activate the Eraser tool once again because we would need to remove the unwanted regions of the brush to make it look more realistic.

Now, for the next splash, create a new layer and then rename it Splash 6. Use the following color value:
- # – 78a3a9
As for the brush, pick the same brush we used for Splash 1. Use the following brush values:
- Brush size – 500 px
- Hardness – Default hardness of the selected brush
- Opacity – 100%
- Flow – 100%

Activate the Eraser tool once again and use the following brushes:
- Brush size – 250 px
- Hardness – 0%
- Opacity – 100%
- Flow – 100%

Create a new layer again and name it Splash 7. Activate the brush tool and use the brush that we used for Splash 5. Activate the Color Picker and use the following color value:
- # – 6c9da4
Use the following brush settings:
- Brush size – 662
- Hardness – Default hardness of the selected brush
- Opacity – 100%
- Flow – 100%

Activate the Eraser tool again and use the following values:
- Brush size – 90 px
- Hardness – 0%
- Opacity – 100%
- Flow – 100%

Now we’re almost done with the splashes, just two more. For the second to the last layer, create a new layer and rename it to – Splash 8. Then we would be using the same brush, the same brush values and the same color tone that we used for Splash 7.

Activate the Eraser tool once again; use the same brush values as the Eraser tool that we used for Splash 7. Apply the Eraser on the region shown on the image below:
One response to “How to Make a Fish Jump Out of Water”
Great Tutorial thx :D
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