
To make it look more like a real reflection, change the Opacity of the duplicated hand 1 layer to 25%. The result should be similar to the image below:


Finally, group these layers and name that group to hand.

Step 7 – Add a vignette

Now we’re going to add a vignette to increase the focus on the subjects. To start off, go to the Menu bar and click on File > New and use the same settings we used to create our canvas. (Refer to Step 1). But take note, the background contents should be – WHITE. Once it has been created, go to Filter > Distort > Lens Correction. Find the tab Vignette and use these settings:

  • Vignette amount – -100
  • Midpoint – +50

Now that that’s done drag the vignette to our canvas using the Move tool (V) and put it on top of all the layers that we’ve created, and then set the following:

  • Blending mode – Soft light
  • Opacity to 40%

After that click on the vignette layer that we’ve just created and then duplicate it (Ctrl/Cmd + J). This time set the following values:

  • Blending mode – Multiply
  • Opacity – 25%

Step 8 – Retouch the image

Now, let’s give the image a retouch to enhance its overall color, its brightness and its contrast. So let’s start with enriching the color. Click on the Create New Fill layer/Adjustment layer button and when the menu pops up, click on Color Balance.


When the Color Balance box is open, input the following values:

  • Color Levels – -15, 0, +8
  • Tone Balance – Midtones
  • Preserve Luminosity – Checked

Now, let’s enhance the Brightness/Contrast, from the Create New Fill layer/Adjustment layer button, click on Brightness/Contrast from the contextual menu and when the box opens, input the following:

  • Brightness – +8
  • Contrast – +3

Finally, let’s spice up the color. From the Create New Fill layer/Adjustment layer button, pick on Solid Color. When the box opens, input the following value:

  • # – 010529

When this Solid Color appears on the Layer window, change the Blending mode and the Opacity to the following:

  • Blending mode – Exclusion
  • Opacity – 30%

The image should be now similar to this:


Final Results

How to Make a Fish Jump Out of Water Photo-manipulation using Photoshop (Custom)

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

One response to “How to Make a Fish Jump Out of Water”

  1. OttoG. Avatar

    Great Tutorial thx :D

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