• Brush size: 125px
  • Hardness: Defaulty
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: ffffff

Now, let’s paint! Brush in the Bubbles as shown below:


Next, let’s create the smaller bubbles. Create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and name it “Bubbles 3”.

Use the following brush:

  • Brush size: 50px
  • Hardness: Default
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: ffffff

Paint in the brushes as shown below:


So far, the image should be similar to this:


Step 9: Add the magical dust

In this step, we’re going to add a little fairy dust in the sky. To start, create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and name this layer: “Magic 1”.

Activate the Brush tool (B) and Load this brush set: “Starfield Brush Set” by gvalkyrie. Once these brushes are loaded, choose the following brush:


After that, input the following settings:

  • Brush size: 1100px
  • Hardness: Default
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: ffffff

Paint in the magic on the area shown below:


The result:


Next, create another layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and name it “Magic 2”. Activate the Brush tool (B) and choose the following brush from the “Starfield Brush Set”.


Input the following brush settings:

  • Brush size: 2500px
  • Hardness: Default
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: ffffff

Paint in the magic on the area shown below:


The result:


Select all these layers and group them. Name the group: “Magic”.

Step 10: Retouch the Image

Now let’s enhance the colors of our image to make it look more magical! For starters, we’re going to create a Solid Color adjustment layer. To do that, simply click on the button shown on the image below:


When it opens, click on the following:


Once you’ve clicked on Solid Color, the Color Picker menu would open. When it opens, input the following color:

  • #: 56351a

Next, change the Blending mode and Opacity of this Solid Color to the following:

  • Blending Mode: Soft Light
  • Opacity: 30%

Next, create a Channel Mixer adjustment layer from the Create New Fill/Adjustment Layer button.


When the Channel Mixer menu opens, input the following:

  • Output Channel: Gray
  • Source Channels:
  • RedL -70%
  • Green: +200%
  • Blue: -30%
  • Constant: 0%
  • Monochrome: Check

Next, change the following for the Channel Mixer layer:

  • Blending Mode: Luminosity
  • Opacity: 40%

Now, let’s create a Color Balance adjustment layer.


When its menu opens, input the following:

  • Color Levels: -13, -28, +16
  • Tone Balance: Midtones
  • Preserve Luminosity: Check

Finally, let’s create a Gradient Map adjustment layer, still from the Create New Fill/Adjustment Layer button.


When it opens, choose the following Gradient:


Now, the whole image is Black and White, but we don’t want that, so we’ll need to change the Blending mode and Opacity to the following:

  • Blending Mode: Luminosity
  • Opacity: 50%

Now, the image should be similar to this:

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