- The Dodge Tool will make the place you paint brighter
- The Burn Tool will make the place you paint darker
- To quickly change between them hold Alt/Option, this will change the tools as long as you hold the Alt/Option key
- If you made a mistake and it’s too late to undo the changes don’t worry, just select the Brush Tool and paint the area of the layer you want to “reset” with gray again (#808080)
And here is some tips on how to do the lighting of this scene:
- The main idea is to make the bright places brighter, and the dark places darker.
- Imagine a sun in the middle of the sky and think about how it would affect the fishes
- Use a really small brush and zoom in closely while dealing the fishes
- Try to use large brushes in the ocean to make it look more natural
- Make the left side of the sky darker, and the right side brighter
- Increase the shadow of the ‘ocean wall’ in the desert
Here is my Lighting layer in the Normal mode, so you can use as reference:

And here is the final result:

Now load the Light Beam Brushes in photoshop. If you don’t know how to do this read the step-by-step below, if you already know how to do this you can skip to the next part.
- Download the .rar file and unpack it anywhere in your computer
- Take the .abr you just extracted and move it to your Adobe/Adobe Photoshop(…)/Presets/Brushes folder
- Go back to photoshop, select the brush tool and right click anywhere in your canvas
- To select your brush, click in the little arrow in the top right corner and check to see if the brush is on the list
- If it is, just select it and click in Append

- If it isn’t, you’ll have to click in ‘Load Brushes’ and search for the brush in your computer. Once you found it, the brushes will be appended to your current list of brushes automatically

After you loaded the Light Beam Brushes in photoshop, create a new layer above the Lighting layer and name it ‘Light Beams’.

Select the brush highlighted in the image below, select the white color, and click on the top center of the image to make some light beams.
Resize the brush if needed

Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the radius to 35px.

The result:

Create a new layer to add more light beams just like we did with the other one. Place it above our previous Light Beam layer and also name it ‘Light Beams’.

Select the brush highlighted below and hit F5 to bring the Brush panel. Change the angle of the brush to -35º.

Now do the exact same thing we did before, click in the screen just once with these settings.
- Again, change the size of the brush if you have to

Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur again and set the radius to 25px this time.

And here is the result:

To finish the light beams, create a new layer by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N, change the name of the new layer to ‘Light Beams’ again, set the mode to Screen and check the button to fill the screen with black.

Make sure this layer is above the other light beams.

Go to Filter > Render > Lens Flare.

Set the Brightness to 75%, select 105mm Prime and click on the top of the black box, in the center, like this:

Here is the result:

Now group the three Light Beams layers in a new group called Light Beams (really original) and set the opacity of this group to around 85%.

The last thing to do here is to add a layer mask to this group and paint the left side of the sky with black.

And here is the result:

Step 10: Adding the Ship
Download the ship pack and open the ‘pship3’ file in photoshop. To select it, hold Ctrl/Cmd and click in the thumbnail of the image.
10 responses to “How to Create a Surreal Scene with an Invisible Man Inside a Mystic Cave”
Some of these tutorials are extremely good, magazine like. Thanks for sharing!
Excellent tutorial. Easy to follow and very, very informative. Thanks for the knowledge.
I did thank you. It took a while but after a while I got the hang of it.
excellent work
buen trabajo amigo
good work
Cool tutorial…got to learn a lot of things… Thanks a lot… :)
thanks, glad you like it =D
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