
Here are the results.


Step 11

To add warm tone to the scene I added a Photo Filter adjustment layer to the scene. Set the setting as shown in the below.


Here are the results.


Step 12

To light up the entire scene I added a Gradient Map adjustment layer then choose the color #030b13 for shadows and for highlight choose the color #56361e. As always you can see the setting as shown in the image below.


Now, I changed the blend mode of Gradient Map adjustment layer to color dodge. Here are the results.


Step 13

To create a sun I created a new layer by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N on keyboard. Pick the brush tool then change your foreground color to #612828 and paint a big dot as shown in the image below. Name this layer sun.


Step 14

Change the blend mode of sun layer to Linear Dodge then reduce opacity to 55%. Here are the results.


Step 15

From this step we’ll add three new adjustment layer to the entire scene. So, add a Curves adjustment layer then set the setting as shown in the image below.


Step 16

Add Gradient Map adjustment layer to the scene and set the setting as shown in the image below.


Change the blend mode of Gradient Map adjustment layer to soft light then reduce the opacity to 20%.


Step 17

Add a Color Balance adjustment layer and set the setting as shown in the image below.


Here are the results.


Step 18

I created a new layer then load the birds brush and choose the 2500 size pixels brush to paint some birds.


Step 19

Now, press the Ctrl+Shif+Alt+E key to stamp all the layer into one layer then right click on it and choose convert to smart objects. Then Goto Filter > Render > Lighting Effect and set the hotspot as shown in the image below.


Step 20

Here the values for the Lighting Effect filter.


Here are the results.


Final Results


Download the PSD

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Tutorial by Bunty Pundir


Thanks for following the tutorial.Hope, you enjoyed it and it’s not difficult for you. I am an artist from New Delhi, India. If you want to see my other artwork then you can visit myDeviantart profile page. Have a great Photoshopping day.

– Bunny

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8 responses to “Manipulate a Photo into a Beautiful Fiery Sunset Landscape”

  1. irina Avatar

    excellent lesson.Thanks, I love it

  2. gerda Avatar

    whauwww beatiful thanks

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    I am lost at Step 5:

    “Now, Add a layer mask to sea layer by clicking the layer mask icon on layer panel.Grab the brush tool by pressing (B) on keyboard then hide the selected the part of sea layer using soft round black brush.”

    What it the point of grabbing the brush tool, shouldn’t i grab the select tool?

    1. Anonymous Avatar

      You need to use the brush tool to erase some of the layer mask, not the selection tool. He selected it to show you what part you need to erase.

  4. Maria Bondukshi Avatar
    Maria Bondukshi

    its beautiful

  5.  Avatar

    Find your tutorials very helpful as photography is serving me as a therapy due to my accident. Keep your good work,Thanks for your support.

  6. Avatar

    This is simply amazing …
    thanks for the new science.

  7. Arya Avatar

    This is a tutorial?
    Why artists like Jenny le and Santosh Rao do more tutorials for this site?
    They are great and their tutorials are something more advanced that inspire each of us want to learn ever more.

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