Over edited .JPEG files would reduce the image’s quality, especially in print.

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Surrealistic Room

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The Earth Room.psd

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8 responses to “Surrealistic Room Photo Manipulation”

  1. Jonathan Avatar

    Psd pleasd not link

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      We have fixed the broken link. Thank you for letting us know.

  2. Milana Avatar

    Thanks a lot! Great tutorial and love your precise approach =) I modified final part, but love your original idea. Here is my version http://milanaserk.deviantart.com/art/Setting-Off-484852574

  3. Mike Avatar

    I searched a lot, but the Anarasha wave brush seems to be offline. But after some searching I found equally good wave brushes at this site:


    A lot more ‘water brushes’ can be found here:

    Hope this will help!

    Kind regards,

  4. Clipping Path Avatar
    Clipping Path

    very very nice, your picture works.thanks sir………..

  5. Jojo Avatar

    the waves brush by anaRasha is not a working link. I’ve tried looking for it and it would be really cool for a different download or something like that.

  6. Spacemandanny Avatar

    Not sure if your aware theres a guy selling prints of your Tuts, I’m guessing without any permission?

  7. Spacemandanny Avatar

    Not sure if your aware theres a guy following your Tuts  as finished artwork out there…I’m guessing without any permission?

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