Step 6

Now change the blend mode of the plane layer to multiply, if you followed the previous tutorial you may have already done this.


Step 7

Change the foreground color to black then select the gradient tool then click the drop down arrow in the main toolbar and select the second gradient which should go from transparent to opaque black, if not then just make a custom gradient like this. Make sure the gradient type is set at linear then hold Shift and drag from the bottom of the document up to about the middle of the wing and you should get something like the image below.


Step 8

Change the blend mode of this layer to soft light.


Step 9

Duplicate this layer and change the opacity to 75% and the blend mode to multiply. We did it in this way so we can have the image fade to black at the bottom but still preserve the color saturation of the image; this is a good one to remember. We darkened the bottom of the image for two reasons; firstly to draw the focus away from the dock which stood out too much and secondly so we place our text here and it will stand out.



Step 10

We’re going to go for a really cliche movie font, Trajan; used on more than half of all movie posters since 2000. Trajan is overused but we’re going to use it here because we’re not aiming for originality anyway. Select the type tool then click somewhere in the document then type ‘the’ and change the size to 40pt, the font to Trajan/Trajan Pro and the color to white. Now move the text to just below the guy like in the image below.


Step 11

Now select the type tool again and click in the document then type ‘PlanE’ (note the uppercase/lowercase characters) and change the size to 180pt, I also changed the size of the ‘E’ to 170pt as it looked to big. The last thing that you need to do is to change the tracking (horizontal character spacing) of some of the letters to even it out. DO this by going Window>Character and highlighting one letter at a time and changing the tracking until it looks balanced and ‘symmetrical’. Now move it to where it looks good.

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6 responses to “Retouching a Studio Portrait”

  1. jazza Avatar

    Nice but very simple. could be more appealing.

  2. Arnob Avatar

    I am Arnob. I am willing to work with you and seeking a long term contract with a reputed company like you. I am basically experienced with photo editing manly in masking, clipping path, retouch, and color balance. So it would be a great job if you have any job for me on these areas.

    I am willing to discuss with you and do a short term trial project so you know if I am perfect or not.

    Warmest Regards,

  3. John Avatar

    Very handy to know! Great tutorial!

  4. Incirclemedia.com Avatar

    Nice but very simple. could be more appealing.

  5. Carole Avatar

    Really great tutorial! I love the dodge and burn on the soft light layer…just what I wanted to know..and the shine is very cool!
    thanks So much!

  6. Retouchup Avatar

    Nice one….. but not so attractive.

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