Here, you can choose the pattern style and adjust the scale and rotation. You can also drag on the image to reposition it. When you’re ready, click on the “Save to CC Libraries” button.

The pattern will appear in your Libraries panel. To use the pattern, simply double-click on the thumbnail and it’ll be placed into your document as a Pattern layer.

Tip #4: Licensing Stock Photo in Photoshop
To avoid spending money unnecessarily, you can create your design with free low-resolution placeholders and buy it when you’re done. But this causes extra work because you have to replace all of the placeholders.

There’s a solution to this. Before we begin, note that this feature only works with Adobe Stock. On the Adobe Stock website, find a photo that you want to use. Below the title, you’ll find a button that says “Open in App”. Click on this and select Photoshop.

The image will then be placed into your Photoshop document. When you’re done with the design and you want to license it, simply go to the Properties panel and click on the “License Asset” button.

After purchasing it, your placeholder will be updated automatically and you’ve just saved yourself a lot of time and effort.

Tip #5: Curved Text Without Warping
Photoshop has a warp text tool that lets you curve text. It’s easy to use but unfortunately, the text becomes distorted.

A better way of doing this is to create a text path. Here’s how to do it. From the toolbar, select the Ellipse tool.

Select “Path” from the options bar. This will make it create a path instead of a shape layer. Draw an oval by dragging it from the center of your document.

Next, press Control T (Command T on Macs) to activate the Transform tool. This will make it easier to size and position the curve. Position the curve where you want your text to appear then press Enter to apply it.

If your path disappears, you can bring it back by going to the Paths panel and selecting the path.

Switch to the Text tool. Before you start typing, click on the “Align Center” button in the options bar. This will make it easier to move the text.

Now that we have that set, let’s start typing. Click on the path and type in your text.
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