Add a mask to this layer and use a soft black brush to remove the sky and the ground, leaving the mountains visible only.

Step 11

Create a Hue/Saturationadjustment layer and reduce the Saturationvalues to -88.

Step 12

Open the rock 1 image and cut out the rock only to add to the right of the main canvas. Set this layer below the rock 2 one and use a layer mask to remove the part covering the ground.

Step 13

Make a Hue/Saturation values and change the Saturationsettings to -78:

Step 14

Create a Curvesadjustment layer and reduce the contrast and lightness until the details and texture of the rock disappeared completely to fit the misty background.

Step 15

Open the rock 3 image and isolate it to add to the left of the main canvas. Use a layer mask to remove the hard edges and blend the rock with the ground.

Step 16

Make a Hue/Saturationadjustment layer and change the Saturation values to –82:

Step 17

Add a Curvesadjustment layer to increase the mist on the rock. On this layer mask, paint on the back side of the lower of the rock to keep some contrast there.

Step 18

Open the ruin 1 image. As it has a transparent background so just use the Move Toolto drag it into our working document and place it in the left of the rock 2 one. Add a mask to this layer and use a medium-hard black brush to remove most of the rocky ground and blend the ruin with the existing ground.

Step 19

Make a new layer (set as Clipping Mask) and use the Clone Tool (S)to remove and reduce some shadows on the columns

Step 20

Create a new layer and use a soft brush with the color #c09d77, the opacity about 30%to paint on some details of the ruin to lighten the shadow and reduce the contrast of the ruin.

Step 21

Add a Hue/Saturationadjustment layer and reduce the Saturationvalues to -100:

Step 22

Make aCurvesadjustment layer to darken the ruin.

Step 23

Create a new layer, change the mode to Overlay 100%and fill it with 50%gray. Activate the Dodgeand Burn Tool (O)with Midtones Range, Exposureabout 10%to refine the light and shadow on the ruin. You can see how I did it with Normal mode and the result withOverlaymode.

Step 24

Open the ruin 2 image and take the part with five columns to add to the left of the main canvas. Flip it horizontally by choosing Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal:

Pages: 1 2 3 4

4 responses to “How to Create a Ruined Landscape at Dusk with Photoshop”

  1.  Avatar

    Nice tutorial as usual Que

  2.  Avatar

    Be a bit more specific next time, but it looks very nice.

  3. Vector Art Lovers Avatar
    Vector Art Lovers


  4. Vàng Avatar

    nice work

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