Transform a regular photo into a high-tech artwork made up of blocks and connectors resembling a circuit board.

Creating the Blocks

First, we’ll create convert the image to blocks using a combination of Photoshop filters.

Step 1

Open a photo you would like to edit. We recommend using a high resolution image of at least 1000×1000 pixels. It is also fine to upscale a low resolution image before using this effect.

This photo will be used to create the Circuit Board Photoshop effect.

Step 2

Duplicate the layer (Layer> Duplicate Layer or Ctrl+J).

Duplicated Layer

Step 3

Activate the top layer and apply a Mosaic filter (Filter> Pixelate> Mosaic) with a cell size of 16 square.


Step 4

Apply a Find Edges filter (Filter> Stylize> Find Edges).

Find Edges filter applied.

Step 5

Apply a Median filter (Filter> Noise> Median) with a radius of 2 pixels.

The Median Filter

Step 6

Apply a Minimum filter (Filter> Other> Minimum) with a radius by 4 pixels.

The Minimum Filter

Step 7

Finally, invert the current layer (Image> Adjustments> Invert or Ctrl+I).

Inverted Layer

Adding an Outline to the Blocks

Now that we have the blocks created, we’ll add a simple outline around them.

Step 8

Duplicate the top layer (Layer> Duplicate Layer or Ctrl+J) and change the blending mode of the new layer to Screen.

Layer duplicated and blending mode set to Screen.

Step 9

Apply a Find Edges filter (Filter> Stylize> Find Edges).

Find Edges filter applied.

Step 10

Invert the current layer (Image> Adjustments> Invert or Ctrl+I) and the outline should blend into the image. One last thing to do is to reduce the opacity to 25%.

Creating the Connectors

We’re almost done with the effect. All we need to do now is add the connectors. This is a simple process using a few Photoshop filters.

Step 11

Duplicate the Background layer (Layer> Duplicate Layer or Ctrl+J) and move it to the top.

Layer inverted and opacity set to 25%.

Step 12

Apply a Mosaic filter (Filter> Pixelate> Mosaic) with a cell size of 16 square.

Layer duplicated and moved to top.

Step 13

Activate the new top layer and apply a Median filter with a radius of 8 pixels.

The Median Filter

Step 14

As you might have guessed, we’ll now apply a Find Edges filter (Filter> Stylize> Find Edges).

Find Edges filter applied.

Step 15

Finally, invert the current layer (Image> Adjustments> Invert or Ctrl+I) and change the blending mode to Screen.

Layer inverted and blending mode changed to Screen.

Colorizing the Final Results

This step is optional. If you would like to colorize the final results, follow this step:

Step 16

Add a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Hue/Saturation) as the top layer. Checkmark Colorize and apply your desired color settings. Here are the settings I’ve used for this step:

Pages: 1 2

6 responses to “Circuit Board”

  1. yo mama 2 Avatar
    yo mama 2

    waaa hooo

  2. yo mama Avatar
    yo mama

    waa hoo

  3. Sathish Avatar

    Really very nice tutorials… its really very very usefull for me.. i like this site …

  4. Zac Avatar

    This is not bad yourself material!

  5. Gaylord senior Avatar
    Gaylord senior

    This is awesome, I was going to troll and say this gay, but it’s too awesome for that. :P

    1. asuio Avatar

      really have you ever heard don’t judge a book by the cover but yeah it’s pretty good

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