Final Results
Multicolor version
Rollover the image below to see the before and after effect.

100% crop

Colorized Version
Rollover the image below to see the before and after effect.

Image when printed

use the Median filter. Apply a Median filter (Filter> Noise> Median) with radius of 2 pixels.
- Select the Magic Wand tool (W) and apply these settings:Tolerance: 8
Anti-Alias: Checked
Contiguous: Checked
- Use the Magic Wand tool to click on a white area. Inverse the selection (Select> Inverse or Shift+Ctrl+I)
- Apply another Median filter (Filter> Noise> Median) but with a Radius of 3 pixels.
- Deselect (Select> Deselect or Ctrl+D) and apply an Auto Levels (Image> Adjustments> Auto Levels or Shift+Ctrl+L)
- Invert the current layer (Image> Adjustments> Invert or Ctrl+I)
- Duplicate the current layer (Layer> Duplicate Layer or Ctrl+J), change the blending mode of the new layer to Overlay, then Merge the layers (Layer> Merge Layers or Ctrl+E).
Create Outlines
- Duplicate the background current layer (Layer> Duplicate Layer) and change the blending mode of the new layer to Screen.
- Apply a Find Edges filter (Filter> Stylize> Find Edges).
- Invert the current layer (Image> Adjustments> Invert or Ctrl+I).
- Add a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Hue/Saturation). For this step, I will use these settings:Colorize: Checked
Hue: 100
Saturation: 100
This step is optional and may be skipped if you do not want to colorize the image.
Final Results

Final results
(Rollover the image with your cursor to see the image before the Digital Photoshop effect was applied. )

Final results closeup

Colorized final results
(Rollover the Image with your cursor to zoom in. Click to view full image)

Final results when printed
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