Old layers deleted.

Animating the Light Streaks: Animating with ImageReady

Now that we have the frames created, we’re ready to switch to ImageReady to start the animating process.

Step 15

Send the document to ImageReay (File> Edit in ImageReady or Shift+Ctrl+M).

Photoshop to ImageReady button

You may also press the Photoshop to ImageReady button in the toolbox.

Step 16

Open the Animation pallet (Window> Animation). Click the flyout menu on the top right corner and select “Make Frames From Layers”. Your animation pallet should now contain frames created from the layers.

Make Frames From Layers

Step 17

Save the image. To save the image as an animated GIF file, change the Format in the Optimize pallet (Window> Optimize) to GIF and adjust the settings. Because the animation I created will be used on the web, I used the following properties: Format: GIF Colors: 64 Dither Method: None Use the “Save Optimize As” tool (File> Save Optimized As) to save the image.

Final Results

There are countless effects that can be created with this technique. Experiment with different combination to discover new exposure blur animations.

Exposure Blur Final Results
A simple camera flash effect was added to the end of the animation.
Exposure Blur Example
This effect was achieved by simply using the ALT and arrow keys.
Exposure Blur Example 2
This effect was achieved by alternating between the Rotate Right and Zoom In actions.
Exposure Blur Example 3
This effect was achieved by creating a right light streak and duplicating the layer about 20 times at the end.

Pages: 1 2 3

One response to “Exposure Blur”

  1. Atirius Avatar

    This is really cool.

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