Step 20
Add a mask to this layer and use a hard black brush to erase the right foot and shoe to make it look like a low heels one.

Step 21
Create a new layer (set as Clipping Mask) and use the Clone Tool to remove the blades on the feet and add more details to the right bottom of the dress.

Step 22
Make a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and change the Saturation settings:

Step 23
Add another Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to desaturate the left leg as it’s a bit redder than the rest of the skin. The selected areas show where to paint on the layer mask.

Step 24
Make a Curves adjustment layer to darken the model. On this layer mask, use a soft brush with the opacity about 10% to reduce the dark effect on the back of the legs.

Step 25
Create a new layer , change the mode to Overlay 100% and fill with 50% gray. Activate the Dodge and Burn Tool (O) with Midtones Range, Exposure about 10-20% to refine the light and shadow on the model. You can see how I did it with Normal mode and the result with Overlay mode.

Step 26
Make a new layer and use a small brush with the color #f6ffd0 to paint highlights on the contour of the model.

Step 27
Create a new layer below the model’s one and use a small brush with the color #070404 to remove the bright detail behind the model.

Step 28
Add a new layer and hold the Ctrl key while clicking the thumbnail of the model layer to load her selection. Fill this selection with the color #070404 and flip vertically. Convert this layer to a Smart Object and move the shadow below the model’s feet. Use Ctrl+T to change the form of the shadow to fit the direction of the light:

Step 29
Lower the opacity of this layer to 70% and use the Puppet Warp to tweak the shadow to fit the terrain behind the model. Apply a Gaussian Blur of 3 px to this layer.

Step 30
Add a mask to this layer and use a hard black brush to erase the unwanted details in the front of the right foot and the flowers on the right part behind the model .

Step 31
Cut out the dog and place him beside the right of the model. Make a shadow for him as done with the model (without applying the Puppet Warp).
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