Power Tip: If you need to edit the filler texture image or if you don’t like how it looks within the letter, you can still change it! Just choose the Move Tool (V) & drag over with your texture layer selected. Also, if you need to resize the texture image select Edit>Transform to resize it.

Step 7

Now, select the Background layer & fill with a Gradient Tool (G). I used Linear Gradient & the colors for the two stops are as prescribed in the screenshot. Drag the gradient tool diagonally from bottom to top.

Step 8

Pressing down Shift key select all the layers in the Layer Palette except the background layer & Link all of them. Also make sure to link the Layer Mask thumbnails with their corresponding layer thumbnails by clicking once between them.


Step 9

Now, we will do the reflection of our letter “C”. For that, select all the linked layers & duplicate them.


Merge all the duplicated layers & name it Reflection.

Step 11

On the Reflection layer, go to Edit>Transform>Flip Vertical & place it beneath the letter “C”. Adjust its perspective if the need be.

Step 12

The next step is to add a layer mask to the duplicate layer. To do this simply click on the add layer mask button in the layers palette.

Now pick the Gradient Tool (G) and draw a gradient (black to white) in the direction from bottom to mid top.

Finally just reduce the opacity of the duplicate layer and you are all done. I reduced the opacity to 20% , there is no golden rule about the opacity % , just play with the opacity setting & choose the one that suits your image.

Step 13

Finally, with the Type Tool, I wrote the words “for creativity” with the settings as shown in the Character Palette.

The font used is Larissa & can be downloaded from here. I also rotated the words a bit via Edit>Transform. Then I applied the layer style, as shown in the screenshots below.

Step 14

To add a bit of finishing touch, I added Outer Glow to the Vector Smart Object layer, as shown.

And, that’s how my Layers palette in end & final image looks like.

Pages: 1 2 3 4

17 responses to “3D Textured Text Effect”

  1. loolololloloolloloolol Avatar

    I really like this product because its aimed

  2. yatsee Avatar
  3. VISHAL RANA B. Avatar

    hi i am vishal rana i am graffics designer in surat.i have used photoshop, illustrater,coral & flaceCS3 so your have requerment in your company.i have complite my education T.Y B.COM complite.

  4. John Avatar

    I wanted to thank you for posting this tutorial, I had a lot of fun learning.

    This is what my image turned out like http://s747.photobucket.com/user/Sensaki610/media/Anyone/merci002f_zps93221ff8.png.html

    One note the link on Page 2 “another texture pack” no longer exists, however I was able to use a similar image here http://joorteloog.deviantart.com/art/numbing-blow-160234146

    I am retired and Photoshop and other Adobe apps are a hooby.

    Thanks again John.

  5. Victor Avatar

    thanks for tutorial. i’m still a bit confused about how much PS distinctive in comparison with AI on the fly objects customization

  6. Ravi Raj Avatar
    Ravi Raj

    i like
    now its simple before

  7. yayasan Avatar

    Thank you so much.

    1. yayasan2 Avatar


  8. Naren ojha Avatar
    Naren ojha


  9. Yuvaraj Avatar

    Thank you so much it was very helpful everyone!

  10. Chani Silberstein Avatar
    Chani Silberstein

    thanks very much for this tut – it was really helpful and clear!

  11. Sisco Avatar

    I thought this was for photoshop. I don’t have illustrator

  12. Gowtham Avatar


  13. Fenghan Yin Avatar
    Fenghan Yin

    Here is very good.

  14. Apple Avatar

    Can anybody help me out pls…
    How can i place or Overlape any image on this 3D Art…??
    As in this they do some flowers & leaves on the 3D image of “C”…

    1. Vyasaraj Avatar

      You can fill option.. :)

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