Step 8
Step 8(a)

Step 9 – Duplicating Layer to Add Glow behind the Text

Select the text as you see in the image. Click on Select > Modify > Expand = 2px. Create a new layer below the text. It should be white.

Step 9

Step 10 – Adding Blur

In order to make the text smooth, we need to choose Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur (Radius = 5px).

Step 10
Step 10(a)

Step 11 – Filling Colors

Our goal is to fill 4 different colors inside the text. Select the blurred text & lock it. Then go to the tools bar & select Brush Tool (B) > right click on the screen & select the feather brush.

Fill the 4 different colors that we used in Step 6. See the image below for reference. You should end up with a picture the same as the final image below.

Step 11
Step 11(a)
Step 11(b)

Step 12 – Adding Effects on the Text

Now is the fun part. We’re going to add some cool effects to the text with the Brush. You can download the Brushes we need from this link:

Create a new layer and name it “brush design”. Select Brush Tool & set the foreground color to white. Select the brushes that you just installed, and add the effect to the corners of the text as you see in the image below. Do the same for all the corners of your text. The final image below should give you a rough idea of what the product should look like.

Step 12
Step 12(a)

Step 13 – Adding colors to the Brush

Choose feather brush > choose the same colors as in Step 6 & lock the brush design layer > fill it according to the background colors. Then go to Layer > Blending Mode > Linear Dodge (Add).

Step 13
Step 13(a)

Step 14 – Adding Glow to the Brush Design

Applying some glow to the design around the text will help the design stand out even more. Choose Outer Glow from layer style then follow the settings as you see in the image below.

Step 14
Step 14(a)

Step 15 – Adding Special Effects (a)

Before we can add special effects behind the text, download the Real Smoke Photoshop brushes. After you’ve installed them, choose the brush that I’ve highlighted in the red circle.

Step 15

Step 16 – Adding Special Effects (b)

Create a new layer, press D to reset the color & press X to bring the white on top. Place the selected brush & turn the layer to horizontal. Fill the color and repeat what you did in Step 11.

Step 16

Step 17 – Adding Stars

Download this set of particle and star Photoshop brushes. Select Pen tool to create a wave path. Switch to the Brush tool then right click on the screen. Choose the star brush as you see in the image below, select Pen Tool, then right click on the screen and select “Stroke Path”. Choose Brush and activate “Simulate Pressure” then click OK. Change the Blending Mode to “Color Dodge”.

Pages: 1 2 3

19 responses to “Abstract FX Text Effect”

  1. n4ndhu Avatar

    it is very helpfull for me … thanks alot :)

  2. Khatsopheak Avatar

    Hi !
    I’m stuck in step 6 and 7
    please help ! thank

  3. Stuart Buckley Avatar
    Stuart Buckley

    …..despite solving the issue with step 6……. I give up! Tutorial creator misses vital steps throughout and his screen shots show he/she is doing it completely different to what they are telling you. Poor tutorial I’m afraid!

  4. Stuart Buckley Avatar
    Stuart Buckley

    STEP 6 FIX: When drawing your path with the pen tool make sure your setting is set as path and not shape (there is a drop box at the top left of the screen under the menu bar) Hope this helps you all!

  5. pokemon Avatar

    this is good tutorial xD

  6. Fanny Avatar


    I stopt by step 5.
    Because my question is.
    How do you get the layers.
    If i follow the steps i got 4 and not 8 or something.
    So show everything and not a peace of it.
    Because it is very confusing if you read id.

    Do something about it!!!!

    1. pokemon Avatar

      hastala vista transu

  7. Ronnie Masaba Avatar
    Ronnie Masaba

    Amazing designs!! I have a “Windows8” Laptop and I teach visual arts. Please send me the EASIEST PHOTOSHOP TUTORIALS.
    Kind regards,

  8. vipin mate Avatar
    vipin mate

    It is good

  9. connor Avatar

    please put the PSD for download
    I’m stuck in step 9
    please help

  10. dilie Avatar

    hey.. I use ps cs3 extended.. Bt i cant complete the step 6.. I right clicked and there was ”stroke path” bt i cant select it bcoz it was hidden.. What should i do now? Cant i do that from other way? Plz tell me soon.. Bcoz i really want this to make my own logo.. Thanks..

  11. Missq124 Avatar

    This has to be missing something I get lost on step 6 WTF can anyone help I really would like to get this tutorial been trying to get it for a while now

  12. moses Avatar

    tutorial needs a little more clarity but very good design once manifest =)

  13. Adoreer Marias Shandez Avatar
    Adoreer Marias Shandez

    Failed to the mid attempt of this tuts. It was not fully described in detail and confused me.. I agree with Ingrid Tam. We are co-worker in Germany,She was d one who gave this tuts to me. I tried out but…is a waste of my time doing this stupid tuts!

  14. Erica D Avatar
    Erica D


  15. Ingrid Tam Avatar
    Ingrid Tam

    So confusing! I stopped at step10 and then the rest is like shit..can’t even understand or detail in tutoring or explaining..Gezzz…terrible..terrible tuts

  16. Abdul Kemal Mhammad Avatar
    Abdul Kemal Mhammad

    I tried but failed. The tutorial or the way you explained lesson here is terrible! DISLIKE!

  17. Johnny Ric Avatar
    Johnny Ric

    I stucked on step 11.Overall, I think your confused the learner and is hard to understand what you are talking or explaining about in your tutorial..I think you are not a good tutor based on what we saw above.

  18. Prakash Avatar

    i need this source file

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