Step 5
We’re going to start by reducing the thickness of the 3D text. Select the 3D text layer in the 3D panel

In the Properties panel, reduce the Extrusion depth setting. You can get a better preview by going to 3D > Render to do a quick render of the scene. Photoshop will start rendering the picture and when it looks good enough, click anywhere to stop the render. Keep adjusting the setting and rendering until you get the results that you like. For my text, I used an extrusion depth of 100.

Step 6
Now we’re going to make the 3D text look gold. Select text material layers in the 3D panel. You can select multiple layers by clicking on the top material layer then holding the shift key and pressing on the last materials layer.

Your Properties panel will switch to the Materials settings. Start by setting the Diffuse color to a yellow-orange color. The color I’m using is #FFC000.

Step 7
We’re going to work on the rest of the materials later when we have everything else set up. For now, we’re going to align text layer with the background layer. Change your camera view to Left by right-clicking on the view box on the bottom-right corner and choosing Left.

Next, select the text and background layer groups. You can select multiple layers by holding the Ctrl or Cmd key. Select the Move tool then click on the align left edges button in the options bar. Now your text is aligned with the background and you can switch your view back to the Default Camera view.

Step 8
Render your scene by pressing Alt+Shift+Ctrl+R (Option+Shift+Cmd+R on Macs) to get a preview of how your text looks like. Everything looks pretty flat and if you like it this way, you can let Photoshop render the entire scene and save your image. We can do a lot more to make our quote look more dramatic by adding some lights. Lighting is a huge subject and it plays a large part in how your 3D text will look. There are many ways to light your 3D text but we’ll show you an easy one that uses just one light.

To add a light to your scene, click on the New Light button in your 3D panel and choose New Point Light.
30 responses to “Create Inspirational 3D Gold Text with Photoshop Extended”
this tutorial sucks. difficult to follow. not enough direction on where to find the options.
I tried it but the results on mine looked alot more basic/cheaper – on the tutorial photos the effects look higher quality, more like after effects
Good Jb
can you make an action of this ?
nys 1
No such thing as New 3D extrusion from layer. useless tutorial
Excellent post. Thanks for sharing……….
Thanks for sharing such informative post its help me to know deeply Photoshop work step by step.
I can’t get the 3d to be an option in step 2. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for tutorial.But I have not Illustrator.
Faaaaaccccckkkk my head hurts
Working on the background, I was wondering if there is the possibility to make it transparent: I mean, a soft (really soft) black just around the borders of the main writing, black that then fades to transparent.
If you are able to indicate me a few steps to achieve this effect I will appreciate your help. -
Is it possible to follow this tutorial with Photoshop cs5.5?
For example, I see that in PsCS5.5 I have not the voice “New 3D Extrusion from selected layer” with right click on the shape layer.-
I’m pretty sure you can do it with Photoshop CS5.5 Extended but the interface will look different. You need “CS5.5 Extended” (not the CS5.5) for 3D work.
Firstly, this is just beautiful! Love it! I’d like to try creating this…..in CS4 Extended. Is this an adventure worth trying or are the 3D Tools/Techniques in CS6 far too advanced for my endeavor?
bonjour…give it a shout..at a go
Fabulous! Photoshop, with the right tutorial, never fails to amaze me. Thank you.
Awesome tutorial! Thank you for offering it. Can you tell me how I can make the background behind my text translucent/transparent, please?
Excellent tutorial! One of the best I’ve read for a long time
Forgot something. Tutorial was damn helpful managed to create my own dictum.This is my final result…;added some more lightning effects……..
Thanks a lot..
Where did you get the overlay texture with the circle lights?
It’s a simple technique ; The shape dynamics.
1. Create a new layer.
2. Goto window->Brush, choose a circular brush with 100% radius
3. Use spacing and set to 1000%.
4. Opt for shape dynamics and use size jitter 40% and roundness jitter to 25%(yup you can experiment your own values)
5. Now draw above the layer we created at step one to get uneven circles.
6. Give it a bit of Gaussian Blur (filter->blur->Gaussian blur….yes u know).
7.Use overlayrepeat steps 1 through 7 with different brush sizes and colors if you prefer…
voila, you are there……
Sorry at step two read as 100% hardness not radius..my bad.
the option U specified in Step 2 . .”choose New 3D extrusion from layer.”
this option is not highlighted . . what to do?? tell me some solution
Precise dense video tutorial…Not a second is useless….highly informative and descriptive with clear explanation…..awesome is the word…….
I love your videos. Best voice ever!
best tutorial but where is font?
Sorry about that! Updated the tutorial with the links:
http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/pacifico -
Please el link de descarga PSD..
Great end results!
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