Using the dodge tool, paint over the region shown in Red. You should stop when you see that the color is white in the middle. Use a fairly large, soft brush for this.


You’ll be done when you see something like this:


Step 17 – 3D Text

Now open up that 3D text that you rendered, and paste it in there. Move it down so it isn’t over the Apple.


Duplicate your 3D text layer (control/command + J) and to to Filters > Stylize > Glowing Edges and customize to these settings — Edge Width: 1, Edge Brightness: 2, Smoothness: 1. When your done, set the layer blending mode to Screen.


Then you should see something like this:


Step 18 – Butterflies

Open up your butterlfy image, and extract it from the white background using whatever method you prefer. Then paste in a few of them… move them around, resize them, and rotate them so they look different from one another.


If you place them like I have, then you’ll need to apply some shadows where the butterflies are over the letters. To do this, first make a new layer underneath the butterflies. Then, take a soft brush and using black, paint underneath the butterflies. Then lower the layer’s opacity to around 50%.


Step 19 – Promo Text

Then, make a text box that spans the entire width of the wallpaper. Center the text, and type in whatever message you want. I used a font called futura, and a light blue for the color.



Here is the finished project from these tutorial steps:


Feel free to experiment a bit with layer opacities, and see if you can do anything on your own design to improve this image… that’s where all the fun and learning is anyway! I went a little further and added in some toads, and a ground, but you guys can do that on your own.

I hope that you have learned something new by reading this tutorial, and I also hope that you haven’t run into any difficulties (if you have, leave a comment with your concern and I or someone else will be happy to help you). Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your feedback.

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