Drop Shadow #5e2600

Inner Shadow #22190a

Inner Glow #855100

Bevel and Emboss (#ffe8b8 Highlight Mode & #cfb788 Shadow Mode)


Satin #633701

Step 18 – 2nd ‘Chocolate’ layer
Make the 2nd layer visible by clicking the box next to the layer and apply these settings. The Fill on this layer is also 0%. Drop Shadow #602e06

Bevel and Emboss


Step 19 – Third ‘Chocolate’ Layer
This is how your text should look so far. Make the third layer visible and apply these settings to this layer. This layer also has a ‘Fill’ of 0%.

Color Overlay #602e06

Step 20 – Text Reflection
This is how your text should look. Now we will add the reflection. Now on your fourth ‘Chocolate’ Layer (make it visible) bring up your Layer Styles and change the Color Overlay to Black #000000

On this layer go to Edit > Transform > Distort and flatten the text like the image below.

Take this layer and place it underneath your Chocolate Text Effect. Once you have done this, Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur (7.2px). Change the Layer settings to Soft Light and a Opacity of 50%

To bring out the reflection a bit more grab your Burn tool (25px, Range:Shadows, Exposure: 46%) And on your 3rd ‘Drips’ Layer ‘Convert it to a Smart Object’ and ‘Rasterize’ it. In the image below I have circled the areas in red that I have brushed in some burn areas.

Step 21 – Cherries on Top
Now we are done with the that! We are almost finished, hang in there with me. Time to add the cherries. First create a New Layer and call it ‘Cherry’ make sure that this layer is above the ‘Chocolate’ text and ‘Drips’ layer. Grab your Brush Tool (a Hard Round Brush, I used 97px brush) and place it wherever you like on your canvas. #f50000

Now with your ‘Cherry’ layer selected go to Edit > Transform > Warp and try and get your cherry like the picture below.

Now once you have shaped your circle like a cherry grab your Burn tool again (25px soft brush, Shadows, Exposure:22%) and shade in the area like my cherry below.

Double click your ‘Cherry’ layer so that the Layer Styles box pops up and add the Inner Shadow

Step 22 – Time to make this cherry shine!
Create a New layer on top of your ‘Cherry’ layer and name this layer ‘Shine.’ Grab your Brush Tool (27px soft brush #ffffff) and make a circle motion on this ‘Shine’ layer. Put the Layer Opacity at 48%.
6 responses to “How to Create a Chocolate Text Effect in Photoshop”
no me sale la parte del color donde quedan los reflejos blancos
This is actually excellent ! unique tutorial. I never seen such.
Thank you thank you ! Really thank you for this tutorial !
Wish you all the best for your work in graphic designs . . .
best luck. Thnkies once again. -
Thank you. Very delicious!!!
Thank you! Great job
this is brilliant! thankyou sooooo much!
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