Step 19
Now click on the Satin Style and use settings from below. Contour is Ring – Double, but this time with much higher opacity.

Step 20
This is after finishing “secondary highlights” layer.

Step 21
Duplicate the “secondary highlights” layer and rename into “primary highlights”. Double click on the layer to open the Layer Style dialogue box. In The Bevel and Emboss match the settings from below.

Step 22
Drop Shadow settings. This is to boost the light passing from the edge look more.

Step 23
This is after finishing the “primary highlights” layer.

Step 24
The Plastic style is complete now. But let’s tweak it little more. Target the “primary highlights” layer and press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E to create a copy merged layer on top of it. Rename it to “upper reflections”. Duplicate the layer and rename it to “surface reflections”. Drag or reposition the “surface reflections” layer below the “base layer”. Reduce the opacity of the “surface reflections” layer to 20%. Now target the “upper reflections” layer to 10% and change the blend mode to Multiply. Below is the result.

Step 25
Create a new layer with the name “glow” on top of “upper reflections” layer and with a soft brush and white color spots (glow) on top of the highlight areas. Reduce the opacity to 50%. While working with the Brush tool if you press Alt button, the Brush tool will temporary change into Eyedropper tool. With that temporary Eyedropper toll mode select bright blue colors from the highlight areas directly and paint some bright blue spots also. Reduce the “glow” layer opacity to 50%. Here’s the image with the layers after finishing the glow painting.

Step 26
Create a Curve Adjustment Layer by clicking on the fourth button from left below the Layers Palette. In the Curve window create s-curve or contrast curve to adjust the overall contrast.

Step 27
Now target the “glow” layer and reduce the opacity to 20%. Duplicate the “glow” layer and rename “glow 2”. Move the layer to top and change the opacity to 40%. Congratulation, Transparent Plastic Effect is now complete.

Final Results

Tutorial by Arindam Bhaduri
29 responses to “Quick-Tip: Create Glossy Plastic Text in Photoshop”
Awesome tutorial very clear and easy to follow, explains everything very useful.
Picture number two (2) on page two (2). It says color RGB(255, 255, 255) but on the image it’s blue.
Completely confusing!
not clear and incomplete……….
thanks .i am waiting for a tutorial like this .i did like this
Excellent post. Thanks for sharing……….
Tis is good
Glossy text effect is very impressive and you made this task look very easy with nice screenshots and clear description. Keep posting more of them.
yea i need more unique effects please help
Wow SAMA, it’s not just photoshop what you cann´t use. English language is not one of your skills either.
This tutorial was terrible! Half of it doesn’t make sense and it’s not very clear! I got to step 7 and couldn’t do anymore because it wasn’t clear enough, then tells me to delete the text layer. WTF?
its good work.
this is very good thanks toni
Really superb…… very simple steps… and easy to understand…
thank u very much….
Very nice. I try this & make similar.
Thank you very much. -
This is a great tutorial!! However I realized too late that it doesn’t work on text that are too long. Anyone trying this should stick with 3 letter text or less. The issue starts when you do the blur and levels… it turns it into a blob-by illegible text.
yeah, i do the same with you, and i realized that is doesnt work on my text. “SMARTCLOTH” or ” CHAPTER K” haha. but its fantastic tutorial i think. :)
Thanks good to know
Excellent – well laid out and a great result – thanks!
very cute tanq
amazed. thanku
Thanks! Here is how mines ended up looking:
http://screencast.com/t/wfX6FYaTfotThe soft glow part was the hardest.
Fantastic result.
Good job!
How do you do this? It doesn’t work for me!
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