Asides from those abstract effects, you can also create subtle effects but control where the split toning gets cut off. In the example below, we lifted the blues in a narrow range of the shadows.

Learning the RGB Curves

The best way to learn RGB Curves is with the tone chart technique.

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9 responses to “Why You Should Use Curves over Other Settings”

  1. Itwisdom Pk Avatar
    Itwisdom Pk


  2. Antoine Vermare Avatar
    Antoine Vermare

    Audrey Amt’s

    1. Audrey Amt's Avatar
      Audrey Amt’s

      Antoine Vermare aaaah te voilà convaincu alors ?

    2. Antoine Vermare Avatar
      Antoine Vermare

      Audrey Amt’s tkt je vais t’apprendre à détourer avec le pinceau

    3. Audrey Amt's Avatar
      Audrey Amt’s

      Antoine Vermare avec quoi ??

    4. Audrey Amt's Avatar
      Audrey Amt’s

      Antoine Vermare irrécupérable ??‍♀️

    5. Antoine Vermare Avatar
      Antoine Vermare

      S e l e c t i o n r a p i d e

  3.  Avatar

    Is that Lightroom for chrome OS?

  4. Steven Avatar

    Good explanation.

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