10 Copenhagen Lightroom Presets
Grab these 10 presets generously provided by SparkleStock. They’re made for the colorful city of Copenhagen but can be used for any travel/city/landscape photo. Made with Lightroom profiles, colors shift in dramatic ways that can’t be achieved with any combination of Lightroom settings. The profiles also give you an opacity slider and faster rending speeds.…
10 Prague Lightroom Presets
Made for the beautiful city of Prague, these presets by SparkleStockgive your photos pleasing colors and filmic tones. Although they’re designed for Prague, you can use them with other city and architecture photos. You can use them with Photoshop (via the Camera Raw filter), Lightroom CC, and Lightroom Mobile. Opacity is supported letting you fine-tune…
10 Tropical Paradise Lightroom Presets
Take your tropical travel photos to the next level with these presets by SparkleStock. They give your photos beautiful filmic looks with incredible color transformations. You can use them with Photoshop CC (via the Camera Raw filter), Lightroom CC, and Lightroom Mobile. Installation instructions are in the download. If you like these presets, consider upgrading…
10 Vancouver Lightroom Presets
From sea to sky, these presets by SparkleStockwill enhance your landscape photos with filmic colors and tones. They’re made specifically for sights around Vancouver but can be used for other travel photos. With the free download, you’ll get 10 presets for Lightroom CC and Lightroom Mobile. The presets can also be used with Photoshop via…
10 Iceland Lightroom Presets
Designed for the incredible nation of Iceland, these presets take your landscape photos to the next level. The free download is provided by SparkleStockand you’ll get 10 presets for Photoshop’s Camera Raw filter, Lightroom CC, and Lightroom Mobile. If you like them, please consider upgrading to the Pro version which will unlock all 50 presets,…
10 Hiking Lightroom Mobile and Desktop Presets
Designed for forests and hiking trails, these Lightroom presets by SparkleStockgive your photos crisp and contrasty tones. The free download gives you 10 Lightroom mobile and desktop presets. Upgrade to the Pro version to unlock all 50 Lightroom presets, video LUTs, and skin tone protection. These presets are compatible with Lightroom and Photoshop CC 2019…