Step 10

Create a new layer and use a soft brush with the color #5489a3, the opacity about 38%to paint on the model to change the color a bit. Change this layer mode to Color 50%.

Step 11

Open the grass image and drag it intoour main document using the Move Tool.Click the second icon at the bottom of the Layerspanel to add a mask to this layer and use a black brush to remove the sky , leaving the grass visible on the lower part of the ground. Use a very small brush to trim the edge of the grass to make it more natural.

Step 12

Create aColor Balanceadjustment layer (set asClipping Mask) to change the grass’s color.

Step 13

Make a Curves adjustment layer to bring more light to the top left corner of the grassy ground. On this layer mask, paint on the rest of the ground to keep its lightness.

Step 14

Add another Curvesadjustment layer to strengthen the shadow of the hidden side of the ground. Paint on the bright part of the ground so it won’t be darkened by this adjustment layer.

Step 15

Make a Color Fill layer and pick the color #273e51. Lower the opacity of this layer to 20%to reduce the contrast of the grass to fit the softness of the room.

Step 16

Create a new layer on top of the layers and change the brush to the cobweb ones. Select the one numbered 930 (or any brushes you like) with the color #badde6to paint on the space between the model and ground like the one below shows:

Step 17

On a new layer, use another cobweb brush numbered 679 to paint on the window. Use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl+T)to tweak it a little to fit the perspective of the window.

Step 18

Make a new layer and use a hard brush with the color#0b1e2dto paint a hole on the belly. Create a new layer and use a small brush with the color #6b8c9c to paint the contour around the hole.

Step 19

Create a new layer and use the Pen Tool(P)to create acurved path on the hole. Change the foreground to #48766eand the brush to a hard one with5 px.Right click this path, choose Stroke Pathand you should get a similar result like below:

Add a mask to this layer and use a hard black brush to remove the part outside the hole.

Pages: 1 2 3 4

4 responses to “How to Create a Dreamy, Surreal Floating Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop”

  1. fabien Avatar

    thanks for iit, very nice . if yoou can add the link for the psd, very good :)

  2. Hans Keijzer Avatar
    Hans Keijzer

    In what way I can find a Photoshop-brush by his own numer? Have I to check every numer
    in ‘Brushes’? That’s a lot….

    Thanks en regards, Hans Keijzer.

  3. Mario Mifsud Avatar
    Mario Mifsud

    Very helpful and thanks for sharing.

  4. Yves Peeters Avatar
    Yves Peeters

    Amazing and fabulous , thanks for sharing .

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