Step 20
Make other vines around the hole and model’s body using the same technique. For the smaller vines I’ve used a hard brush with 4 pxto stroke them.

Step 21
On each of these layers, make a new layer (set as Clipping Mask), change the mode to Overlay 100%and fill with 50%gray. Use the Dodgeand Burn Toolto refine the light and shadow of the vines to fit the light source (from the window).

Step 22
Select all the vine layers and their related ones (Dodge &Burn ones) and hit Ctrl+Gto make a group for them. Change the group’s mode to Normal 100%and create aCurvesadjustment layer to darken the vines a bit.

Step 23
Make a Color Balanceadjustment layer to change the vines’ color.

Step 24
Add a mask to the vines’ group and use a small hard black brush to trim the top of the vines to make them a bit smaller than the rest.

Step 25
Create a new layer below the vines’ group and use a soft brush with the color #0e0f13, the opacity about 30%to paint shadow for the vines on the model’s body and arm.

Step 26
Open the leaves image and isolate the branches from the white background. Use the Polygonal Lasso Toolto select different leaves to add to the vines. You can copy, transform , rotate them to make them appear different. Use a layer mask if needed to remove any unwanted details.

Step 27
Create a group for the leaves and make a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer within this group. Alter the Saturationvalues:

Step 28
Add a Curvesadjustment layer to darken the leaves. On this layer mask, paint on the leaves nearer the window to reveal some light there.

Step 29
Make another Curvesadjustment layer to reduce the contrast of the leaves.

Step 30
Create a Color Balanceadjustment layer to change the color of the leaves.

Step 31
Open the butterflies image and use the Lasso Tool to select different yellow butterliesto add to the main canvas. Arrange them to make them flyout of the hole. On each of the butterfly layers, apply a Gaussian Blur of 0.5 pxto make them a bit softer to fit the dreamy mood of the room.

I’ve used a mask on one butterfly layer which is flying out of the hole to remove its lower part.
4 responses to “How to Create a Dreamy, Surreal Floating Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop”
thanks for iit, very nice . if yoou can add the link for the psd, very good :)
In what way I can find a Photoshop-brush by his own numer? Have I to check every numer
in ‘Brushes’? That’s a lot….Thanks en regards, Hans Keijzer.
Very helpful and thanks for sharing.
Amazing and fabulous , thanks for sharing .
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