In this tutorial we will be learning how to take a few different stock images and put them together with some text to make a movie poster/DVD cover design. If you followed the first part of this tutorial on destroying a plane then you can use that image as well.

For the purpose of this tutorial we’ll be making a scaled down version but if you were planning to use this for a poster then you would want to increase the document size and resolution. Let’s get started then!


How to Create a Movie Quality DVD Cover Photoshop Tutorial

Step 1

Create a new document with dimensions; 1000x1415px then go here and copy this image then paste it into your document and scale it to fit the full page.


Step 2

We’re going to add a bit of disruption in the water so copy this image then paste it into your document then go Image>Adjustments>Desaturate then just scale an move the image until you have something that resembles the image shown below.


Step 3

Change the blend mode of this layer to overlay.


Step 4

Obviously we don’t want the peoples heads showing at the front and we want the sky and water to blend in. First add a layer mask to the layer with the explosion on it by clicking the layer mask button at the bottom of the layers panel. Select the brush tool and choose a 125px soft round brush then set the brush opacity to 20% in the main toolbar. Make sure the foreground color is set as black and the layer mask is selected. Now just brush around the parts that you want to hide so brush over the edges of the image first to soften them then over the people and brush over the water a bit to get it to blend. Keep brushing until you get something similar to the image below, if you feel you’ve brushed to much then just change the foreground color to white then that should unhide the parts that you now brush over.


Step 5

Now if you’ve already gone through part one of the tutorial then copy the layers from that tutorial straight into this document; if you have both documents open then you can just select all the layers from the plane document (except the background) and drag them into this document. If you haven’t completed the previous tutorial then you can just use the undestroyed version of the plane which you can find here. Either way just scale and position it until you get something that you like.

Pages: 1 2 3 4

78 responses to “Manipulating a WW2 Fighter Aircraft”

  1. Rafael Avatar

    TOP Mestre

  2. Márcio Avatar

    I’m stuck in step 8

  3. Shola Avatar

    Very nice, thank you sir

  4.  Avatar


  5. mukulmamun Avatar

    It´s great!! Thank you fot that!! :)

  6.  Avatar

    i just manipulated it into paint and created it there.

  7. martinez, Tony Avatar
    martinez, Tony

    this app needs to get things right cant copy image this page lies to the public people using this page

  8. Nick Avatar

    Cant get the geyser

  9. Jeff Avatar

    Your propellers are spinning the wrong way.

  10. Mary Jane Avatar
    Mary Jane

    PLEASE: take the “word” BEGINNER out of the title. This is not for beginners! I am fairly good with Photo Shop and I could not follow your directions at all. I need to understand how to develop layers. I know what to do with them when they are there, but how to get them started is my problem. You do not explain things for beginners.
    Thank You

  11.  Avatar


  12. Ezra Avatar

    how do you make it so you can see the prop blur and still completely see the plane? my blur covers the plane unless i change the opacity but then the whole picture is really faint.

  13. john Avatar

    it ‘ s awsome

  14. myself Avatar

    youre not a nice person I don’t get it

  15. nick schieder Avatar
    nick schieder

    much plane

  16. mohan Avatar

    How to add noise in image

  17. Paul Blart Avatar
    Paul Blart

    Hey I was trying to do this and I dropped my donut and I accidently lost my mouse in the process, I was trying to figure like step 5 so can anyone help me as soon as I find my mouse?

  18. rolanda Avatar


  19. adom Avatar

    how to do this thing ????????????? need help sos somthing

  20. anthony Avatar
  21. Benjamin Avatar

    Thanks for a great tutorial, this really helped me to get started with PS! :)

  22. gaylord Avatar

    this is a waste of time

  23. Sanada Amari Avatar
    Sanada Amari

    I did this, and my jet looks like it landed in the BBQ LOL. I didnt use opacity enough:P

  24. anonymous Avatar


  25.  Avatar

    how do you do step 3?

    1.  Avatar


  26.  Avatar

    how do you

  27. RJ Avatar

    that good… but not complete.please brief with screen short.

  28.  Avatar

    I’m new to photoshop, and I don’t think this describes accurately how to make a clipping mask. To do so, you select the above image (in this case the noise layer), then go into Layer and tap Create Clipping Mask (Alt+Ctrl+G)

  29. Nina Avatar

    I don’t get it! Please help me. I added a layer mask on duplicated picture of the plain and then with black brush I painted the propeller. Now i have a hole in my work. How i get the propeller shown like abow?

  30. Adriana Castaneda Avatar
    Adriana Castaneda

    I am stuck on step 5. I duplicate the layer but then I the option of “add layer mask” once I right click it is unclickable. Please help! Thank you!

  31.  Avatar


  32. anonymous Avatar

    dumb ads and too damn hard

  33. thalia Avatar

    I don’t know how to do it, i’ve been on step:2 for the pass 2 week already

    1. Gaia197 Avatar

      Fill the layer with white before trying to add noise. Hope this helped.

  34.  Avatar


  35. Aaron W Avatar
    Aaron W

    im gonna try it out seems cool

  36.  Avatar

    dis good tutorial. me did good on its. it look like good plane

  37. ululf01 Avatar

    Awsome.I learned it right now

  38. Frijj Avatar

    Okay, I am using CS6 Photoshop964-Bit) the problem with the “selected area is empty”. When you make a new project, it gives you a locked white background, duplicated this layer, then use that layer to add the noise. Quick way of doing it. Remember to put it on top of the layer of the plane. Then it works fine, also yes it’s a dead link just use your common sense and copy the image from the tutorial.

  39. Learning Avatar

    That was very helpful! Thank you!

  40. nin Avatar

    thanks i had to use a different image because the plane one was no longer available. great tutorial:

  41. Alto Avatar

    I can’t understand the second step. When I created the new layer (for the noise) the noise can’t applied.

    1. moreno03 Avatar

      the first layer you had you must use it instead of creating a new layer since this new one will eventually be empty.

  42. SanthoshAryaas Avatar

    Ya explained the work in the best manner. Understud very well, it was really helpfull. Please keep uploading more work with this type of explanation.. Thank you whu ever it is…

  43. jumman Avatar

    hey i am not able to go step 4 , at step 5 i am struck badly as i couldnt understand wat to do?  if i right click the layer mask then it is applied directly on the duplicate layer otherwise if i right click the layer mask on the duplicate plane layer then i get an option to delete the layer masking or disable layer masking

    1. jumman Avatar

      @jumman I got an option saying me to resterize the layer if i use smudge on the layer masked layer i.e., the duplicate plane layer

  44. UKM Avatar

    Actually it was very helpful for me. Thanks

  45. Me Avatar

    I can’t see the harden brush for smudge tool. I set the size and the strength but I can’t see the harden tool or button or menu.

    1. I Avatar

      idk how to do this!!!! Helppppp!!!!

  46. baha Avatar

    Can’t add the noise to the new lyer “can’t add the filter because the area is emty”!
    what to do please?

    1.  Avatar


    2. cotty Avatar

      that’s happenin to me too…

  47. mintik Avatar

    Very good tutorial. Thanks.

  48. Sapphire Avatar

    This is a damn good guide sir, but You have no idea how planes works, do you? :P

    1. Sapphire2 Avatar

      Do you?

    2.  Avatar

      You’re a God!!!
      Waiting 6 Years for a reply…
      # Thug Life

  49. amanpreet Avatar

    i don’t know about blend mode?i m completely new for it

  50. Sponge Avatar

    It won’t let me make noise on an empty layer. An error comes up saying:
    “Could not complete the Add Noise command because the selected area is empty”

    1. Simon K Avatar
      Simon K

      True, that won’t work. I think that what is not mentioned is that this new layer should be filled with white before the noise is applied, this will give the desired effect and I assume that is what is done in this tutorial, just not mentioned. The noise will only be generated on that part of the layer that already contains something, eg. is NOT transparent.
      The easiest way to fill with white (or black) is to hit D on the keyboard. This will set default foreground and background color which is black and white respectively. To fill with the foreground color use ALT + BACKSPACE. To fill with the background color, use CTRL + BACKSPACE. On a Mac you would use Command instead of CTRL.

    2. kashif Avatar

      create a new layer and fill the layer with white colour

    3.  Avatar


  51. Conan Avatar

    How do i extract the propeller? i am completely new to this.

    1. Simon K Avatar
      Simon K

      You might want to look for some tutorials covering Layer Masks, they form the basis of a lot of things you can do in Photoshop. This tutorial clearly assumes some knowledge about Layer Masks as it does not describe the exact procedure of using layer masks in much detail.
      So check up on Layer Masks and give this tutorial a go afterwards.

    2. Melissa Avatar

      Thanks Simon for all your help here. I had to do this as an assignment and found it easier with your tips.

  52. Photoshop Avatar

    Dont bother going to the dead link. Just right click the picture and press save as. Then open the file via photoshop.

  53. Gabriela Bors Avatar

    there is no image in that link:(

    1. Simon K Avatar
      Simon K

      You can simply use the first image that is displayed in the tutorial, the picture of just the airplane with nothing added. Right click it and save it somewhere on your computer – then open it up in Photoshop.

  54. Stifler Avatar

    Very Useful Tutorial Thanks a LOT :p

  55. maraschinocherry Avatar

    can no longer copy the image :(

    1. Marissa Avatar

      must suck to be you

    2.  Avatar


    3. Sarah Avatar

      Just copy the image that is on this page. That’s what I did. :_

    4. cotty Avatar

      it says I cant add noise to a layer with nothing on it?

    5. bSemos Avatar

      just right click on his picture and save – worked for me when I found out the link was gone

    6. shoobydoobydoo Avatar

      plane does look more realistic

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